General Features


  • Allows anyone anywhere the ability to access information.
  • Provides integrated policy, claims, accounting, reinsurance and reporting in a single system.
  • Agents, adjusters and policyholders as well as remote offices all gain access to be directly productive.
  • Because ISi runs on an Internet platform, we are able to integrate easily with other vendors to provide real time motor vehicle records, credit reports, claim history reports and similar underwriting and claims tools.


  • Enhances profitability by allowing companies to focus their attention where it will pay off the most.
  • By allowing the system to handle ordinary transactions, the underwriting staff can focus on unusual situations.
  • Companies can write more business because ISi allows their agents and policyholders to participate in the production of business.
  • More time can be spent on the aspects of the business that are not routine.
  • Providing access to agents reduces interruptions for the company as agents can answer their own questions.
  • Can be easily customized to support a wide variety of processing and workflow needs.


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